At Sera Neon, we offer our clients access to an extensive catalogue of pre-built reports from our own repository that can be used across Oracle reporting.
At Sera Neon, we offer our clients access to an extensive catalogue of pre-built reports from our own repository that can be used across Oracle reporting.
Our reports have continually been built and developed from working with public and private sector organisations, identifying their key requirements and improving data quality, reporting and analytical capabilities.
We cover many of the Oracle reporting tools across different modules. These include but not limited to;
Salient Feature:
Module Integration – Sales, Project Budgets and HRMS
This Oracle reporting tool is normally standard with the ERP / HCM Fusion Cloud purchase.
Salient Feature
Module Integration – All pillars FSCM CRM
Salient Feature
Module Integration – Finance with cube data
Salient Feature:
Module Integration – Forecasting Budgeting
Salient Feature:
Module Integration – GL
Sera Neon is an Oracle Gold Partner, offering extensive services and advisory to clients across ERP, EPM and HCM business solutions, both in the Cloud and on-premise. We have many years of experience in the UK and internationally working with organisations including Local and Central Government, Utilities and Infrastructure Services.